-Mount Olympus
-The Underworld
Mount Olympus
Mount Olympus towers up from the center of the earth. Here the major gods live and hold court. The myths are somewhat vague on weather it is an actual mountain or a region of the heavens.
The Underworld
The underworld is hidden in the earth. It is the kingdom of the dead and ruled over by Hades. Hades is a greedy god who is greatly concerned with increasing his subjects. Those whose calling increase the number of dead are seen favorably. The Erinnyes are welcomed guests. He is exceedingly disinclined to allow any of his subjects leave.
For most, life in the underworld is not particularly unpleasent. It is rather like a miserable dream, full of shadows, without sunlight or hope. A joyless place where the dead slowly fade into nothingness.
Geographically, the underworld is surrounded by a series of rivers: The Acheron (river of woe), The Cocytus (river of lamentation), The Phlegethon (river of fire), The Styx (river of unbreakable oath by which the gods swear), and The Lethe (river of forgetfulness). Once across the rivers an adamantine gate, guarded by Cerberus, forms the entrance to the kingdom. Deep withen the kingdom is Hades vast palace, complete with many guests.
Upon death a soul is lead by Hermes to the entrance of the underworld and the ferry across the Acheron. There is a single ferry run by Rhadamanthus, Minos I, and Aeacus, who pass sentence. The very good go to the Elysian Fields. Others are singled out for special treatment. Sisyphus and Tantalus being prime examples of the later.
Tartarus lies far beneth the disk of the world. Deeper then Hades kingdom of the underworld. It is used as the ultimate of prisons, unpleasent and inaccessable
Senin, 28 September 2009
Place in the Greek Myths
The Titans, also known as the elder gods, ruled the earth before the Olympians overthew them. The ruler of the Titans was Cronus who was de-throned by his son Zeus. Most of the Titans fought with Cronus against Zeus and were punished by being banished to Tartarus. During their rule the Titans were associated with the various planets.
- Gaea
- Uranus
- Cronus
- Rhea
- Oceanus
- Tethys
- Hyperion
- Mnemosyne
- Themis
- Iapetus
- Coeus
- Crius
- Phoebe
- Thea
- Prometheus
- Ephimetheus
- Atlas
- Methis
Gaea is the Earth goddess. She mated with her son Uranus to produce the remaining Titans. Gaea seems to have started as a neolithic earth-mother worshipped before the Indo-European invasion that eventually lead to the Hellinistic civilization.
Uranus is the sky god and first ruler. He is the son of Gaea, who created him without help. He then became the husband of Gaea and together they had many offspring, including twelve of the Titans.His rule ended when when Cronus, encouraged by Gaea, castrated him. He either died from the wound or withdrew from earth .
Cronus was the ruling Titan who came to power by castrating his Father Uranus. His wife was Rhea. There offspring were the first of the Olympians. To insure his safety Cronus ate each of the children as they were born. This worked until Rhea, unhappy at the loss of her children, tricked Cronus into swallowing a rock, instead of Zeus. When he grew up Zeus would revolt against Cronus and the other Titans, defeat them, and banish them to Tartarus in the underworld.
Cronus managed to escape to Italy, where he ruled as Saturn. The period of his rule was said to be a golden age on earth, honored by the Saturnalia feast.
Rhea was the wife of Cronus. Cronus made it a practice to swallow their children. To avoid this, Rhea tricked Cronus into swallowing a rock, saving her son Zeus.
Oceanus is the unending stream of water encircling the world. Together with his wife Tethys produced the rivers and the three thousand ocean nymphs.
Tethys is the wife of Oceanus. Together they produced the rivers and the three thousand ocean nymphs.
Hyperion is the Titan of light, the father of the sun, the moon, and the dawn.
Mnemosyne was the Titan of memory and the mother of Muses.
Themis was the Titan of justice and order. She was the mother of the Fates and the Seasons.
Iapetus was the father of Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Atlas.
Titan of Intelligence. Father of Leto.
Titan of the Moon. Mother of Leto.
Prometheus was the wisest Titan. His name means "forethought" and he was able to foretell the future. He was the son of Iapetus. When Zeus revolted against Cronus Prometheus deserted the other Titans and fought on Zeus side.
By some accounts he and his brother Epimetheus were delagated by Zeus to create man. In all accounts, Prometheus is known as the protector and benifactor of man. He gave mankind a number of gifts including fire. He also tricked Zeus into allowing man to keep the best part of the animals scarificed to the gods and to give the gods the worst parts.
For this Zeus punished Prometheus by having him chained to a rock with an eagle tearing at his liver. He was to be left there for all eternity or until he agreed to disclose to Zeus which of Zeus children would try to replace him. He was eventually rescued by Hercules without giving in to Zeus.
Epimetheus was a stupid Titan, whose name means "afterthought". He was the son of Iapetus. In some accounts he is delegated, along with his brother Prometheus by Zeus to create mankind. He also accepted the gift of Pandora from Zeus, which lead to the introduction of evil into the world.
Atlas was the son of Iapetus. Unlike his brothers Prometheus and Epimetheus, Atlas fought with the other Titans supporting Cronus against Zeus. Due to Cronus's advance age Atlas lead the Titan's in battle. As a result he was singled out by Zeus for a special punishment and made to hold up the world on his back.
Metis was the Titaness of the forth day and the planet Mercury. She presided over all wisdom and knowledge. She was seduced by Zeus and became pregnant with Athena. Zeus became concerned over prophecies that her second child would replace Zeus. To avoid this Zeus ate her. It is said that she is the source for Zeus wisdom and that she still advises Zeus from his belly.
It may seem odd for Metis to have been pregnant with Athena but, never mentioned as her mother. This is because the classic greeks believed that children were generated soley from the fathers sperm. The women was thought to be nothing more then a vessal for the fetus to grow in. Since Metis was killed well before Athena's birth her role doesn't count.
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List Giant Froom Greek Mythology
The giants of Greek mythology, or Gigantes ("the earth-born") as they are called in the Greek tongue, were a class of oversized and ofttimes monstrous men who were closely related to the gods. The most famous of these were the hundred Thracian Gigantes who waged war on the gods, but there were many others besides, including the handsome giant Orion, the one-eyed Polyphemus, and the six-armed Gegenees.
AGRIUS (Agrios) A man-eating Thracian giant who was half man and half bear.
ALCYONEUS (Alkyoneus) The king of the Thracian giants who was slain by Heracles.
ALOADAE (Aloidai) Twin giants who attempted to storm heaven by piling mountains one upon the other.
ALPOS A Sicilian giant who was slain by the god Dionysus.
ANAX A Lydian Giant.
ANTAEUS (Antaios) A gigantic Libyan king who wrestled to death all visitors to his realm until he was slain by Heracles.
ANTIPHATES The king of the man-eating giants known as Laestrygones which were encountered by Odysseus on his travels.
ARGES One of the three elder Cyclopes.
ARGOS PANOPTES A hundred-eyed giant who was set by Hera to guard the maiden Io but was slain by Hermes.
ARISTAEUS (Aristaios) One of the Thracian Gigantes who was transformed into a dung beetle when he fled the battle with the gods.
ASTERIUS (Asterios) A Lydian giant.
AZEUS (Azeios) An Arcadian giant who fought in the War of the Titans. He was an ancestor of the Arcadian kings.
BRIAREUS One of the three hundred-handed Hecatoncheires.
BRONTES One of the three elder Cyclopes who forged the lightning bolts of Zeus.
CACUS (Kakos) A fire-breathing Latin giant slain by Heracles.
CHARBYDIS (Kharybdis) A monstrous daughter of Poseidon who was chained to the sea floor by the gods where her inhalations formed a deadly whirlpool.
CHRYSAOR (Khrysaor) A giant born from the neck of the beheaded Gorgon Medusa.
COTTUS (Kottos) One of the three hundred-handed Hecatoncheires.
CYCLOPES ELDER (Kyklopes) Three one-eyed giants assisted Zeus in the Titan War by crafting weapons for the gods including the lightning bolts for Zeus, a trident for Poseidon and an invisible helm for Hades.
CYCLOPES YOUNGER (Kyklopes) A tribe of one-eyed cannibalistic giants who shepherded flocks of sheep on the island of Sicily.
CYMOPOLEIA (Kymopoleia) A gigantic daughter of Poseidon who wed the hundred-handed giant Briareus.
DAMASEN A Mysian giant who destroyed a dragon that was ravaging the country.
DAMYSUS (Damysos) The swiftest of the Thracian Gigantes who made war on the gods.
ECHIDNADES (Ekhidnades) A serpent-footed giant and ally of the Titans who was slain by Ares when he attacked the fortress of the gods.
ELATREUS The giant son of one of the elder Cyclopes who was slain by Apollo.
ENCELADUS (Enkelados) One of the Thracian Gigantes who made war on the gods. He was buried by the goddess Athena beneath Mount Etna.
EPHIALTES One of the twin giants named Aloadae who attempted to storm heaven.
EURYALUS (Euryalos) One of the sons of the three elder Cyclopes slain by Apollo.
GEGENEES A tribe of six armed giants encountered and slain by the Argonauts in Mysia.
GERYON (Geryones) A three-bodied giant who dwelt on the sunset isle at the ends of the earth. He was slain by Heracles when the hero arrived to fetch the giant's cattle as one of his twelve labours.
GIGANTES HECA A hundred Thracian giants born of Gaea the Earth when she was impregnated by the blood of the castrated Uranus. The Gigantes waged war on the gods and attempted to storm heaven, but were slain in battle.
GYES One of the three hundred-handed Hecatoncheires.
HALIMEDES A gigantic son of one of three elder Cyclopes who was slain by Apollo to avenge the death of his son Asclepius.
HECATONCHEIRES (Hekatonkheires) Three immortal giants with a hundred arms and fifty heads, who assisted Zeus in the War of the Titans. They were afterwards appointed as guards for the gates of Tartarus.
HOPLODAMUS (Hoplodamos) A warrior giant who came to the aid of Rhea after Cronus learned of her duplicity in the hiding of the infant god Zeus.
HYLLUS (Hyllos) A Lydian Giant.
HYPERBOREAN GIANTS Three giant sons of Boreas, the North Wind, who were the chief priests of the mythical Hyperborean tribe.
LAESTRYGONES (Laistrygones) A tribe of cannibalistic giants encountered by Odysseus on his travels. They dwelt in a remote land where the sun never set.
LEON One of the Thracian Gigantes who made war on the gods. He was slain by Heracles who stripped him of his leonine skin.
MYLINUS (Mylinos) A Cretan giant slain by the god Zeus.
OEOLYCA (Oiolyka) A gigantic daughter of the Hecatoncheir Briareus.
OLYMPUS (Olympos) A Cretan giant who mentored Zeus.
OREUS A man-eating Thracian giant who was half-man and half-bear.
ORION A gigantic hunter with the ability to walk on water. He was slain by Gaea or Artemis for some offence and placed amongst the stars as a constellation.
OTUS (Otos) One of the twin giants named Aloadae.
POLYBOTES One of the Thracian giants who was buried beneath an island by Poseidon in their war against the gods.
POLYPHEMUS (Polyphemos) A cannibalistic Cyclops who was blinded by the hero Odysseus.
PORPHYRION The mightiest of the Thracian Gigantes who attempted to rape Hera in the war but was destroyed by Heracles and Zeus with arrows and lightning bolts.
RHODIAN GIGANTES A race of Giants native to the island of Rhodes.
STEROPES One of the three elder Cyclopes who forged the lightning bolts of Zeus.
SYCEUS (Sykeus) One of the Thracian Gigantes who made war on the gods. He fled the battle and was transformed by his mother Gaea into a fig tree.
TALOS A giant molded out of bronze and set to patrol the island of Crete. He was slain by the witch Medea when he tried to prevent the Argonauts from landing on the island.
TITYUS (Tityos) A lawless giant slain by Apollo and Artemis when he attempted to violate their mother Leto. He was afterwards chained in the Dungeons of the Damned where a vulture fed on his ever-regenerating liver.
TRACHIUS (Trakhios) A gigantic son of one of the elder Cyclopes slain by the god Apollo.
TYPHOEUS A monstrous, fire-breathing giant with serpentine legs and a hundred bestial heads. When he stormed heaven the gods fled in a body to Egypt and hid themselves in the guise of animals. Zeus alone stood firm but was defeated and stripped of his sinews. Later in a rematch the god was victorious and buried Typhoeus beneath the volcanic Mount Etna.
TYPHON Another name for Typhoeus above.
Mythology Creature
Hello World!
Have you hear about mythology creature before?
Do you believe about mythology creature?
The most famous myth was the myth about the creature's strange creature from Greece.
In blog this I will discuss about the Myth creature from Greece
Cerberus is one of the offspring of Typhoeus and Echidna. It is a three headed dog with a snake tail and snake heads proturding from his back. He guards the entrance to the underworld, allowing the dead to enter but, never to leave. One of the few living mortals to get past Cerberus was Orpheus who charmed it to sleep with his song during his attempt to rescue Eurydice from death. Fetching Cerberus from the underworld and displaying him to King Eurystheus was the last labor of Heracles.
Medusa began life as a girl so lovely she made Athena jealous. Such beauty turned Poseidon's head. He seduced the girl but, unfortunately for her did so in one of Athena's temples. Such an affront to Athena would not go unpunished particularly by one already in ill favor. So Medusa was turned by Athena into a gorgon. Since she started as human she remained mortal. As if this were not punishment enough, Athena later helped Perseus hunt her down and kill her.
When Perseus cut her head off Pegasus and Chrysaor, her children by Poseidon, sprang forth. Drops of her blood fell into the Libyan desert and turned into snakes. Later one of these snakes killed Mopsus. After Perseus left with her head Athena took charge of what was left of her body. She flayed off Medusa skin and made it into her trademark Aegis. She two drops of the blood to King Erichthonius explaining that one would cure disease and the other was a deadly poison. She gave a lock of the hair Heracles hidden in an urn.
The Sirens are sisters who lure sailors to their death. The song of the Sirens is irresistible but, the they reside beyond impassable reefs which destroy the sailors boat when they try to reach the Sirens. Among those tempted were Jason on the Argo and Odysseus.
Pegasus was a winged horse and good flyer. The Pegasus was the result of the ill fated mating of Medusa and Poseidon. It was born from Medusa when her head was cut off by Perseus. Tamed by Bellerophon it served as his mount during his adventures including his slaying of the Chimaera. When Bellerophon attempted to fly Pegasus to Mount Olympus he was dismounted by Zeus. Pegasus continued on and made it to Mount Olympus. Here Pegasus spent his days carrying lighting bolts for Zeus.
The Griffin (also spelled gryphon or griffon) is a chimera or hybrid mythical creature. It has the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. It may also have the legs and talons of an eagle, often only the front legs. Griffins are often portrayed with the ears of a horse.Powerful and majestic, griffins were known as guardians of gold and treasure. In medieval times they came to be symbols of monogamous marriage. They also came to represent Jesus, since they walked on the earth or flew in the air with equal ease, symbolic of the human and divine nature of Christ. More recent portrayals of griffins are of fantasy creatures in literature as well as in role playing games.
6.Argus Panoptes.
ARGOS PANOPTES was a hundred-eyed giant who lived in the region of Argolis in the Peloponnese.
Once when Zeus was consorting with the Nymph Io, his wife Hera arrived on the scene. The god quickly transformed his lover into a white heifer, but the goddess was not deceived. She demanded the animal for a gift and set Argos Panoptes as its guard.
Zeus sent Hermes to surreptitiously rescue his lover. The god first tried to lull the giant to sleep with his music, but failing that, slew him with his sword. It was from this endeavour that he earned his familiar title Argeiphontes (literally "the slayer of Argos").
Hera rewarded Argos for his service by placing his hundred eyes on the tail of her sacred bird, the peacock.
The Cyclopes were gigantic one eyed monsters. There were three of them representing thunder, lighting, and the lighting bolt. They are named Brontes, Steropes, and Arges. They were born to Gaea and Uranus. They were also the first smiths. When Cronus came to power he imprisoned the Cyclopes in Tartarus. The were released by Zeus and fought with him against the Titans. As a reward for their release the Cyclopes gave Zeus his weapons of lighting and thunder. They continued as his workers at Mount Olympus forging his thunderbolt
A female monster consisting of half nymph, half speckled snake. It lived in a cave coming out to snatch up and eat those passing. The critter was ageless but, not immortal. It was killed by Argus Panoptes while sleeping. It mated frequently with Typhoeus producing a variety of offspring.

Hecatoncheires means "hundred handed". They were gigantic and had fifty heads and one hundred arms each of great strength. There were three of them: Briareus also called Aegaeon, Cottus, and Gyges also called Gyes. They were born to Gaea and Uranus. Their mutual hatered of Uranus caused him to force the Hecatoncheires back into Gaea's womb. This parcipatated Gaea's rebellion against Uranus. When Cronus came to power he imprisoned the Cyclopes in Tartarus. The were released by Zeus and fought with him against the Titans. They were able to hurl huge boulders as many as a hundred at a time against their opponents. One of them, Briareus, served as Zeus's bodyguard.